You will find in this section the causes and remedies to the main problems related to water pumps: presence of rust or contamination from foreign matter, inappropriate or excessive use of sealant, broken shaft.
Presence of rust /contamination from foreign matter
- Incorrect cleaning of the system
- High percentage of chlorine in the coolant
- Use of pure water without coolant
- Water is too hard, with high percentage of limestone
- Thoroughly clean the system
- Use distilled water mixed with coolant
- Replace the faulty/damaged component
Inappropriate / excessive use of sealant
- Application of sealant where it is not needed
- Application of excessive amount of sealant
- Incorrect seal assembly
- Clean the surfaces and apply a suitable amount of sealant
- Follow the assembly instructions and use sealant only if required
- Replace the faulty/ damaged component
Broken shaft caused by excessive belt tension / incorrect alignment
- Incorrect fastening of the pump
- Incorrect alignment of the pump pulley in relation to the other transmission components
- Excessive tension of the timing belt
- Check the correct installation of the pump
- Check the correct assembly and alignment of all transmission components and make sure the timing belt is properly tensioned.
- Replace the faulty/damage component
Bearing: broken, noisy, leaking
- Wear
- Liquid infiltrations in the bearing
- Incorrect tension of the belt
- Presence of sealant in the system
- Presence of foreign matter, rust, plastic residues in the system
- Replace the pump
- Thoroughly clean the system
- Check the correct tension of the timing belt and other transmission components