Molded Radiator and Bypass Hose


Informazioni aggiuntive

Mercati Disponibili:

Nord America, Centro America, Oceania


Designed to replace original equipment manufacturer hose, Dayco Molded Radiator and Bypass Hose are built with knitted reinforcement and EPDM construction which provides high strength and resistance to oil, mud, salt, road debris, ozone, coolants, and temperature variations of -40˚F (-40˚C) to +257˚F (+125˚C) that are required for OEM hose replacements. The inner base tube is reinforced with knitted rayon for maximum strength and burst resistance for the life of the hose. The Dayco Molded Radiator and Bypass Hose has a convenient plastic hang strap for quick and easy merchandising. In addition to meeting SAE J20R4, Class D-1 requirements, this hose is now designed to meet Type EC electro- chemical requirements as specified in SAE J1684.

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Mercato europeo: Etichettatura ambientale imballaggi