Style DR4 Hydraulic Hose



Рынки сбыта:

Северная Америка, Центральная Америка, Океания


Designed for use as suction or return line on hydraulic systems, the Dayco Style DR4 Hydraulic Hose features a nitrile tube and MSHA approved synthetic rubber cover that is both oil and weather resistant, with a single textile braid and helix wire reinforcement for exceptional flexibility. Its vacuum rating is 25 inches Hg, and the temperature range is from -40° F to +250° F (-40 °C to 121 °C).

This hose is recommended for use with coupling Styles DC (12, 16 & 20 size only) and PG. Meets SAE 100R4.

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Европейский рынок: Экологическая маркировка упаковки


Hydraulics Thread Chart

Hydraulics Pressure Chart

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